Tag: Black Women At Work

Let’s Talk About It – #ChooseToChangeBruh

Ok let’s talk about International Women’s Day. Let’s really talk about inequality and illusions of progress. Let’s talk about the intersectionality between gender and race and how that positions conversations about our equality in the workplace, whilst ignoring wider systemic inequality amongst ‘other’ parts of our blackness.

Whilst we’re here can we (re)define what it means to be equal? Let’s talk about it, you’re going to love this one. Oh and Happy International Women’s Day, we ain’t mad at it, just needed to discuss a few things.

Thank you for your continued support. Remember to keep the conversation going – connect with us on social media @bwwpodcastuk

Labour of love

Welcome to Season 4 of the Black Women Working Podcast.

Whilst 2020 took its unpredictable twists and turns, this year we can use that experience to steer and direct our journeys this year.

What better way to kick start the season with an ‘assessment’ of the current labour market. We sat down with careers advisor Stephanie Ozuo – @flotuk and allowed her to share her take on how we should be approaching the labour market, perhaps in ways we had not considered.

Is it about finding the job you love or going with what the market has to offer?

Let’s Talk About It – Now you see me, now you don’t

In this segment of Let’s Talk About It, we had to share our thoughts and reflections on Candice Brathwaite being overlooked to present a documentary on the maternal treatment of Black Women in the NHS;
a topic that Candice has documented and campaigned for her entire career.

We question sisterhood at work, activism at work, pigmentocracy and meritocracy.

This is a complex issue with industry information that we are not privy to, but what we know is that Candice was only seen for the purpose of exploitation and if she hadn’t shared her truth we would not have seen the entire truth of this story.

With Candice we stand.

Thank you for your continued support the Black Women Working Podcast. We look forward to Season 4.

In case sh*t happens

Secure the bag and protect your peace!

In times of such uncertainty, we add to our stress or exacerbate our own poor health because we are obligated to go to work because of our personal financial responsibilities. It’s time to talk about insurance.
Amida of [@]sheinsures joins us to educate us on the different insurance options available, what we can insure against and of course why it is essential for us to consider.

Deuces, I’m out

Leaving a job can be extremely difficult, as you will be leaving what you have been used to for a period of time. How do we find the courage and confidence to leave a job? How do you know when enough is enough? What are the signs that it’s time to leave?

Listen in on our experiences on when we decided to take the step and leave, featuring our special guest host, and podcaster Debra Chosen.

Are you comfortable or are you growing?

There are various forms of support to access at the workplace and this episode we unpick the difference between coaching and mentoring with guest Coach Yaa Antwi-Nsiah, founder of Next Level Coaching.

Coaching and mentoring can be very useful in guiding career progression and unlocking our own mental barriers, so do we wait for our workplace to offer or do we seek out a coach or mentor for ourselves?

Let’s Talk About It – But did all Black women win?!

The Black Women Working Podcast team hit you up with our current affairs ‘Let’s Talk About It’ segment discussing Kamala Harris becoming the first Black Female as Vice President Elect.

We have the highest respect for this accolade, but we ask ourselves again what does representation really mean? When we have a seat at the table, what happens next? Another thought-provoking topic with so many layers.

Thank you for your continued support, enjoy.